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Private Buses To Run For L.t.b.
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT ONDON TRANSPORT is to place out La to contract to private operators this summer special bus services for big sporting events and sightseeing......
Sr Charles Westlake Has Accepted An Invitation To Join...
(Reliance Holdings) Ltd. Mr. 3. R. Brockhouse has resigned from the board of J. Brocichouse and Co. Ltd., of which he has been a member since 1948. He is to take up residence in......
Yorkshire Tourist Organization Plans T He Traffic Manager...
Tours Ltd., Leeds, Mr. Geoffrey Steel, was a member of the working party which met at the Guildhall, York, last week to agree a form of constitution for the new Yorkshire......
News I N Brief Welsh Link Service: Western Welsh Omnibus
Co. Ltd. and Crosville Motor Services Ltd. have applied to the Traffic Commissioners for permission to operate a joint express service between Cardiff and Liverpool via......