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N.w. Chemical Variation
ARGEST application this week is a - 1 -1 variation to add 9 artics to the B licence of W. H. Cowburn and Cowpar Ltd., of Manchester. his also to increase the conditions attached......
Applications (april 1, 1964) R. H. Dangerfield, Bishop...
var., add I vett (410. L. and A. Sanderson, Saliburn, A var., add 1 T. Oita (If granted. B lie. will be surrendered.) a. T. Emanates, Brampton. new B Le., I T. (310. Goods for......
North Western
APPLICATIONS (April 3, 1964) Geoffrey Rayner Ltd.. Manchester, A var., add 4 veh. (1610. (If granted, 2 vela (810 will be, deleted from B Williams Bros. (Oneensferry) Lid.,......
West Midland
• APPLICATIONS (April 2. 1964) Mrs. A. M. Walley. Hodnet, new A. lie., I Yeti. (510. Mainly astric, produce and requisites. Midland, Lanes, North-East England, London and......
South Wales
APPLICATIONS (April I, 1964) S. flatfoot and Sons Ltd., Dowlais. Clam, new A lie., 6 T. (540. Colliery waste and coal to be processed and having been processed by Ryan Holdings......