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Truck Driver Prefers Big Fine To Keeping To Drivers'...
A DRIVER EMPLOYED by Dumfries Freight who believes speed limiters are dangerous has been ordered to pay £1,115 in fines and costs for hours, tacho and speed limiter offences.......
Director Disqualified For Nine Months Following Revocation
Diane Walker, the sole director of Bathgatebased Dunedin Logistics, has been disqualified from holding or obtaining an 0-licence for nine months following the revocation of the......
Appeal Fails To Win Back Vehicle
The decision of Western Traffic Commissioner Philip Brown (right) not to return an impounded vehicle to Alan Keir, trading as Keir Couriers, has been upheld by the Transport......
Formal Warning For Glenn Freight
When Liverpool-based Glenn Freight (North West) appeared at its second public inquiry in 18 months its poor annual test record was blamed on test preparation by commercial......