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Matbro Fork-lift Truck Mu M Frous Improvements Have Been...
to the Swing Lift fork truck made by Matbro - Ltd. These arc being incorporated in a second series of production of this model, which was first introduced in 1964. The height......
Tanker Discharge Pump A Nother New Tanker Discharge Pump...
this week. Manufactured by Jobson and Beckwith Ltd., the London pump engineers, it was designed by Mr. Michael Orr. Thc Univane, as it is called, comprises two rotating and •......
Two-way Intercom System Pa A Precision-built...
now being marketed by General Trade Equipment Ltd: This comprises a " master " station, fitted with volume control and a sub-station. Both instruments can be mounted on deck or......
Wingard Catalogue N Ow Available To Wholesalers And...
country is the 1966 version of the Wingard Vehicle Equipment catalogue. It conNins the latest information on the company's new accessories, this being presented in three......
Sprung Drivers' Seats Comiviercial Vehicle Sprung...
• Bostrom Mfg. Co. Ltd., called the Saxon Thinline, are now available from TIMC as an optional extra on BMC's FJ tilt cabs. The Saxon Thinline is hydraulically damped and is......
Key Leather Catalogue Mow Available From Kl Automotive...
is a new trade catalogue and also a retail. booklet, This new literature from the company (formerly. Key Leather Co. Ltd.) is part of a major scheme to improve trade and retail......