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Legislation On Plating And Testing Next Year
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT THE introduction of annual tests and I plating for heavy goods vehicles is on he Labour Government's legislative pro:Tontine for the coming......
Tdg Buys Mead Bros.
THE Transport Development Group I has acquired the capital of Mead tros. (Kingsbury) Ltd., of Middlesex, rho operate 25 vehicles on general !outage in the London area. Founder......
More Transport Courses A New Course In Road Transport Rth.
management is now in progress at South Dorset Technical College, under the aegis of the department of business studies. It commenced on October 22 and runs in the form of......
Studying Refrigeration Developments
A THOROUGH examination of refrigera tion in transport will be made at a London meeting of the International Institute of Refrigeration next year (September 20-23). Evaluation of......