12th November 1965, Page 63
12th November 1965
Page 63

Page 63, 12th November 1965
Obscured Mirrors -not A Breach
k LORRY carrying a load which 3, obscured the rearwards view through wing mirrors was not in breach of egulation 17 of the Motor Vehicles :Ionstruction and Use) Regulations,......
2,500 More Vehicles In Ors Over Past Year
FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT A N increase of nearly 2,500 in the number of British Road Services vehicles over the past year—but a drop in the number owned by British......
One-third Damages For Driver After Handbrake Accident
IAMAGES of £205 and costs were awarded in the High Court last onth to Mr. William Franklin, I-year-old lorry driver for Edmonton arough Council, for injuries he suffered......