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Fares Regulator In National Interest
MINISTERS took the view that the IVI existing statutory procedures for regulating provincial bus fares ensured that the national interest was taken into account, This was stated......
Revised Tolls For Forth Bridged
T " Scottish Secretary is to investigate the possibility of revising the tolls on the Forth Road Bridge. But Dr. J. Dickson Mabon, the Scottish Under Secretary, who gave this......
Better Reflectors Under Consideration
THE Minister of Transport's Working Party on the Lighting of Vehicles will be considering whether any improvements in reflective illumination are necessary. This Was revealed by......
Two Refusals On Br Freight
'j/TR. FRASER last week refused to issue a general direction to British Railways to speed up freight deliveries. Such a direction would not he appropriate, he told Mr, Paul Rose......
Dangerous Loads
THE Standing Advisory Committee on Dangerous Substances was concentrating first on the control of the carriage by road of some 70 inflammable liquids, under the heading of......
More Millio Ns For Roads
T HE cost of the Government's road programme in England in 1969-70 will be £238m. instead of the £215m. envisaged up to now. But the Minister of Transport, who announced this......
Some Import Duties To Go
T HE Government is trying to persuade some EFTA countries to remove duties on imported vehicles which are not "consonant with the spirit of the Stockholrns Convention".......
More Control On Vehicle Fumes
fl• A CLAMP-DOWN on the amount of fumes coming from petrol-driven vehicles was hinted at in the Commons last week by Mr. Tom Fraser, the Minister of Transport. Until recently,......