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Conway Traffic Plan Jam: Ministries Cannot Agree
D EADLOCK was reached at a meeting in 1 —"Conway last week between representatives of the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Works, local authorities and the police to......
New Vehicle For Canadian Army
A N articulated vehicle has been built for the Canadian Army by Canadair, Ltd., Montreal, and may be sold on the civilian market. The prime Mover has an air-cooled engine and......
Leyland £500,000 Indian Orders
RDERS for 260 buses to the value of over £500,000 have been received from India by Leyland Motors, Ltd. Sixty Titan double-deckers and 40 Worldmasters, all with Pneumo-Cyclic......
Scottish And East Anglian T.u.c.c.s.
THE new Transport Users' Consulta live Committee for Scotland has now been appointed, with the exception of two representatives for industry and one for local authorities. The......