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Men In The News
MR. C. G. Gorz has rejoined Simms Motor Units, Ltd., as works en g ineer. . MR. 5. - W, /tams has been appointed advertisin g mana g er of Kerry's (Great Britain), Ltd. MR. D.......
A.m.c. Challenge Thesiger Report
T HE Association of Municipal Corporations oppose the recommendation of the Thesi g er Committee that the law re g ardin g the hearin g of backin g applications should not be......
British Standards For Lamps And Reflectors
N EW British Standards have been introduced g overnin g the design of rear lamps and reflectors. They lay down performance re q uirements as well as speci fi cations for the......
Vehicle Inspection Urged Do Eriodical Inspection Of All...
the issue of certificates of road worthiness, was recommended in a resolution passed at the annual meetin g of the West Ridin g Accident Prevention Federation in Bradford.......
Rutland With A.e.c. Engine The Rutland Ea G Le 8-ton...
to be fitted with an A.E.C. AV470 7.75-litre oil en g ine. This unit develops 112 b.h.p. at 2,000 r.p.m. and provides 325 lb.-ft. tor q ue at 1,100 r.p.m. The Meadows 4DC 330......