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Cushion Against Fare Increases Needed Mr. England
A N undertaking with a turnover of £1.6m. a year needed a cushion so that fare increases could be reviewed -over a longer period and not have to be treated as a matter of......
Tour Licence Granted—for Dogs
ri A COACH firm in the north-west were, last week, granted an excursion and tour licence for what was claimed to be a unique service—carrying dogs and their owners to and from......
Permit Infringed £200 Fines
LINES totalling £200, plus £10 If I advocates' fees, have been impos on H. and P. Haulage (Contractor Ltd., Algeria Street, Leeds, by Lee magistrates for breaches of pern......
Bolton To End 2d. Fare? 't I Ff! North Western Licensi I
Authority's approval is bei sought by Bolton Transport Depa ment for an increase of 4d. in the exi ing 2d. fare. This would give appro; mately a mile for 2d., compared wi 14......
Opposition To U.t.a. Fares Viany Objections Have Been St Ivi
mitted to the proposed new fai schedule of the Iffster Transpi Authority, due to come before t Transport Tribunal for approval September V. Maximum charges sought to be fixed,......
U.a.s. Fares Up
F ARE increases are to be introduc by United Automobile Servie Ltd,, on Sunday. Routes affected are Durham, north Yorkshire, Northumbi land and parts of Cumberland. Wh the......