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" Radius " Offences Bring £88 Fines
P LEADING guilty to 30 summonses for contravention of the 25-mile limit and five for making false entries in returns made to British Road Services, Mountford Bros. (Haulage......
Value Greater
T HE value of the "ABC Goods Guide," the July-December edition of which has just been published at 3s. 6r1. by Iliffc and Sons, Ltd., Dorset House, Stamford Street, London, SEA,......
In A Line Or Two
The Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., are now making tubeless tyres in the smaller sizes in this country. Road congestion is blamed by Lanes County Police for the increasing......
Fresh Blood For Bristol Tours
" T HE evidence has disclosed th I there would be no harm if a litI fresh blood was introduced into son of Bristol's coach excursion business This comment was made by ti Western......
All Done With Mirrors I Nclined Mirrors Were Used To
s underneath the chassis of vehicles Manchester Cleansing Department the annual parade last Saturday, wh 12 drivers received awards for the hi maintenance •standards they h......
Two Appeals Rejected
A N appeal by British Railwo against the grant by the Yorksh Licensing Authority of a licer authorizing Messrs. J. W. Kitehin a Sons to run an express service betwe Bradford and......
Nights Spent At Home Three British Road Services Drivi I
who claimed subsistence allowam when they had spent their nights home were fined by Oldbury magistra last week. Police at Watley, where I men lived, checked lorries parked in I......