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A. And. D. Like One-man Buses
T 1-1 E Aldershot and District Traction I Co., Ltd., are " more than satisfied" with 15 new lightweight 30-seat one-man-operated vehicles recently put into operation, Mr. T.......
B.c.n. To Try One-man Buses
T 0 buses are to be converted to one-man operation by Burnley, Caine and Nelson Joint Transport Committee for operating the undertaking's service to Barley. This is one of a......
Denationalization : New Move
A JOINT deputation from the Public Transport Association and the Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association is expected to meet Mr. Boyd Carpenter, the new Minister of Transport,......
Higher Pay Proposed
T HE Northern Ireland Road Haul' age Wages Council have provisionally recommended to the Ministry of Labour that adult goods-vehicle drivers be paid an extra 5s. per 44-hour......
Will Not Employ B.r.s.
"THE joint managing director of Trusted l Corporation (Universal), Ltd., Watford, told the Northern Licensing Authority last Friday that his company were no longer prepared to......
Thousands See Hop-picking By Coach
NAANY thousands of people—some IVI from as far away as Liverpool and Sheffield--have travelled by coach to the hop gardens of Whitbread and Co., Ltd., at Beltring, Paddock Wood,......
Langley Sell-out Controlling Interest In George ‘•-••...
Bedford, Nuffield distributors for north Bedfordshire, has been purchased by Kennings, Ltd. Sir George Kenning has been appointed chairman and Mr. Langley continues as managing......
More Merger Moves
F URTHER approaches are to be made by Grimsby Transport Committee to. Cleethorpes Corporation in regard to a proposed merger of the municipal transport undertakings of the two......