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Safety Points In Vehicle Design.
T HE IMMENSE increase in the use of our roads, both for business and pleasure purposes, and the emphasizing of the risks of accident which it has unfortunately caused, make it......
Coach Tours From Passengers' Homes : An Impracticability.
A COMPLAINT of a somewhat unusual character has lately been circulated—one which, because it is unusual, may not be entirely justified—concerning an alleged minor......
Will Front Lifeguards Be Fitted To Buses ?
F OR many years efforts have been made to design a satisfactory form of lifeguard which could be fitted to the front of motor vehicles, and particularly to buses. We have......
The Training Of Coach Conductors.
O NE of the greatest factors contributing to the thorough enjoyment of a coach tour, particularly if this be one of long duration, is a welleducated and thoroughly well-versed......