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Bury Bus Controversy.
The Ministry of Transport recently eon.ducted a public inquiry at Bury into the controversy which had arisen between The Bury Corporation and Ribble Motor Services, Ltd.,......
Motor Increases In Warwickshire.
Warwick County Council states that during the year ended March 31st last, 27,101 motor and horse-drawn vehicles Were licensed and 17,867 drivers' licences were issued, the total......
South Shields Plans To Meet Competition.
With a view to meeting the competition to which the municipal transport system is subjected at the hands of private motorbus proprietors in the South Shields district, the......
Students At Ford Works.
Fifty university students are spending a period of three months in the Ford factory at Detroit for the purpose of studying factory organization and the production methods of the......
Powers Of Control Over Buses.
Cardigan County Council has received a letter from the County Councils Association intimating that county councils have no control over omnibuses plying for hire' on main roads......
Haverfordwest Wants A Fire-engine.
The sum of £1,000 is estimated to be the price at which Haverfordwest Town Couneil will be able to obtain a motor fire-engine suitable to the needs of the district. The council......
Across Australia By A.e.c.
The 6,000-mile journey across Australia from Adelaide to Port Darwin, which has always been considered impracticable of negotiation by heavy motor vehicles, is being attempted......
Prices Of Renault Models. Renault, Ltd., Sea,grave Road,...
London, S.W.6, have just issued a revised list of prices for their range of commercial vehicles, which took effect on August 6th. The list is somewhat too comprehensive for us......
Traffic At Chester.
In his report to the members of the Chester Watch Committee on the traffic census taken by the police at Chester Cross on a recent Saturday, the chief constable states that the......
Property On Main Roads And Speed - Limits.
The highways committee of the Warwick County Council has considered an application from the occupier of a house just outside the Leamington borough boundary asking the council......