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Greenock . Buying Buses..
The Greenock Tramway Co. have recently instituted a service of buses to serve the upper parts of Greenoek and the outlying districts of the town. The initial service is beiug......
Ford Tormers And Ford Tractors In Demand.
During the first 20 days of the month of July the Ford Co. sold 12,168 t6n trucks, a figure which represents an increase of 30 per cent. over that for the same period of last......
Burnley's Bus Bill.
Reporting on the Burnley Corporation Bill, the Lancashire County C r ouneil says that, so far as the running of buses outside the borough is concerned, • the corporation at once......
• A Commercial Sidecar Service Outfit.
Watson Cairns and Co., Ltd., of Leeds, who are motorcyclist specialists and factors, make uSe of the commercial sidecar outfit which is illustrated on this page, for......
Sheffield Licences.
At a meeting of the Sheffield Corporation the town clerk reported that during the year ended March 31st last motor licences were issued to the value of i143,920. The total cost......
Oldham's Trolley-bus Plans.
Reporting on the Oldham Corporation Bill, Lancashire County Council states that the main point of the opposition was directed against the running of trolley vehicles outside the......
Road Construction In Turkey.
According to a Department of Overseas Trade Report just issued on the economic and commercial conditions in Turkey, no systematic programme of road construction was carried out......
Accidents In Oxford.
At a recent meeting of the Oxford Watch Committee the chief constable reported that during the quarter ended June 30th last there had been 58 street accidents in the city,......