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London's Traffic Increase.
In the annual report of the Commisisioner of Police for the Metropolis for the year 1924, it is stated. that 1,001 new motor omnibuses and 966 motorcabs were licensed. The......
Municipal' Views On Traffic Control.
Norfolk County Council is seeking the views of other municipal authorities on certain points relating to traffic and traffic control and the answers given to the following......
Eagle Trailers For Llanelly.
Lianelly Borough Council has recently decided to purchase six trailers tor refuse and night soil collection from the Eagle Engineering Co., Ltd. The Cost of the trailers will be......
The 1926 Transport Congress.
Invitations are being sent to prominent snen engaged in the motor - industry in all countries to attend the second World Motor Transport Congress to be held in New York from......
Sir Henry Lvfaybury Sails For America.
The Minister of Transport has requested Sir Henry Maybury, Director General of Roads and the Chairman of the London Traffic Committee, to visit important towns in the 'United......
Five - Ton Road Tractors Wanted.
We know of a concern . which is requiring a number of road tractors suitable for towing loads up to 5 tons and of being operated in various countries outside England. In the......
Encouraging Splashguard Invention.
Having received communications regarding mud splashing by motor vehicles, the Oldham Corporation has asked the Institute of Cleansing Superintendents to consider the question of......
Dublin Tramway Company Using Buses, The Dublin United...
Ltd., having received sanction from the Irish Free State Minister for Loral Government, to their proposed motorbus routes, recently inaugurated the - first service between......
Dunlop's Adviser Visiting Malay.
We are told that, owing to pressurd of business in England, Sir Enid Geddes, chairman of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., has had to abandon his proposed visit to the company's......