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Taylor Is Md At Wadham Stringer
LES TAYLOR has been named managing director of the Wadham Stringer Group. Taylor joined the company in 1964 and became managing director of Wadham Stringer Vehicles in 1982. In......
Lowrieid Personnel Man
BOB ARNOLD has joined Lowfield Distribution as personnel manager. He was formerly with CPC United Kingdom as employee relations manager. Arnold will be based at Lowfield's head......
Reorganisation At The Post Office
THE POST OFFICE has reorganised its transport control team to strengthen the Royal Mail operation involving 27,000 vehicles, 4,001) rail services and nearly 40 chartered air......
Transport Tribunal Gets New Secretary
RICHARD EVANS has joined the Transport Tribunal as full-time secretary. His move is in preparation for a greater number of appeals expected following the Bus Bill, and as the......
Spillett Manages At Wincanton, Midlands
ALAN SPILLETT is general manager, Midlands, for Wincanton Transport at its Darlaston depot. Spillett joined Wincanton 18 months ago as projects manager for Wincanton Chilled......
Woodward's Contract Operations Director
H. WOODWARD AND SON has formed a subsidiary — Woodward's Contract Hire. Terry Rimington has joined as operations director bringing with him years' of experience of contract and......