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Perkins For Sherpa?
FREIGHT ROVER is currently evaluating the joint Austin Rover-Perkins twolitre direct-injection diesel engine, which is to be launched in the middle of 1986 in the Maestro van.......
I Rte Celebrates Its First 40 Years
THE INSTITUTE of Road Transport Engineers last week celebrated its 40th anniversary. Speaking at a lunch in London, former 1RTE president Sir Peter Masefield paid tribute to the......
Brewer Agrees To Retest Its Erf Artic
by Tim Blakemore WHITBREAD has offered to put its controversial 38-tonne tractive unit from the Gordon Goddard fuel economy trials (CM September 21 and 28) through the test......
Noise Firm Seeks Industry Funds For Quiet Lorry
SOUND Attenuators of Colchester is ready to offer a stake in its subsidiary company, Contranoise, in return for further funding for its research into active noise control. This......
Atlas Loader
THE MERCEDES-Benz 16 17CK with Atlas skip loader described in CM last week has not been sold to Harvey's as we reported. It is a demonstration vehicle belonging to Universal......