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M25 Delay Due To Democracy
AS ONE whose transport responsibilities do not extend beyond the byways of Dorset 1 have not lived with the frustrations evident in your Editorial (CM, October 5) concerning the......
Btac Denies Farce Charge
I FEEL the remarks by Bird's-Eye View on farcical marshalling at the Brewery Transport Advisory Committee fuel economy trial at MIRA (CM, October 5) are unjust to the many......
The Error Of Our Ways
I MUST point out a number of errors in your Frankfurt Show report of the Ford Econovan (CM, September 21). While it is true that this vehicle is manufactured by Mazda, it is......
Is You Is, Or Is You Not British?
CAN I say well done to Mr Bill Daniel for his bid to convert fellow hauliers to buy British? (CM, October 5). But Bill himself fell short of an all-British truck. What do I......