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69-cage Semi-trailer S A G ": A G Ain Yme'ar
for distribution work ONE OF the most sophisticated new semi-trailers in the country was a major attraction at the Distribution Services Show at Wembley. London, last week. It......
I Il Distribution Services Show Is To Break Its Pattern
of running on alternate years and is to he held again in 1986. It will be run alongside a new show aimed at the shipping and freight forwarding industry and called Overland.......
Exit The Pigeon-hole Pursued By A Chip
A COMPUTERISED traffic planning aid to replace traditional pigeon-holing has been introduced. It is called Swift and comes Irons Add-Min Computing of Bromley, Kent. The system......
Cantilever Lift That Tucks Away Launched By Joloda Systems
A NEW CANTILEVER taillift that can descend vertically and then tuck tinder the chassis has been introduced by Joloda Loading Systems. This vertical descent ability means that......
Sideguards Enter The Age Of Swing
SiDEGUARDS that hinge up to give better access to chassis-mounted components are now standard Fitments on Lawrence David bodies. The sideguards are on brackets that allow them......