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"prosecute Motorists Who Give Lifts"
P ROSECUTION of motorists who accepted money from passen g ers "to cover the cost of the petrol" was demanded on Tuesday by Mr. R. J. Ellery, chairman of East Midland Motor......
Unladen Towing Ambulances Made Legal
N EW re g ulations dealin g mainly with towin g ambulances come into force on January 9. These appliances can at present be used only when supportin g a vehicle, but as from......
Rid For Harrington?
A TAKE-OVER bid for Thomas ri Harrin g ton, Ltd., was foreshddowed on Tuesday by Mr. E. G. Harrin g ton, chairman. He said ne g otiations were in pro g ress which, it was......
Smith's New Factory
A N application for a new 100,000s q .-ft. factory on the new Team Valley Tradin g Estate has been made by Smith's Delivery Vehicles, Ltd., Gateshead. The company expect more......
Bristow Refused Rehicles On Renewal
Haulier Sentenced to Imprisonment for False Statement : Two Operators on Similar Charge I N a written decision hastily issued on Ch r istmas Eve, the Metropolitan Licensin g......
Davis Group Must Cut Activities
A R. MUIR said that by his decision, the Davis group, of which C. Bristow, A l l Ltd., were members, had purged their offence. He intended, however, that they should permanently......