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More Mobile Parts Facilities
1140131LE spares services for Albion, LVL Leyland and Scammell operators are being augmented. In addition to the vehicle already operated in the Midlands by Ford and Slater,......
B.r.s. Carriage Conditions With £800 Liability
IMPLIFIED conditions of carriage, involving an increase in liability for damage or loss of from £400 to £800 a ton, are put into effect today by British Road Services. Time......
Indoor Road Tests
A DEVICE to enable simulated road testing of vehicles to he done inside a workshop has been developed by Crypton Equipment, Ltd., Bridgwater, Somerset. It makes use of a pair of......
Id. Fares To Return?
A PROPOSAL that Id. fares be reintroduced by West Hartlepool Transport Department, whose bus revenue is declining and who are carrying fewer passengers, is to be discussed at a......
"scottish Week-end"
p LANS for a "Scottish week-end" are being made by the Scottish Area of the Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association to precede their annual dinnerdance on February 1 in......
Manx Operators Fight S.u.t. Tours
M ANX coach operators are trying to block the operation of coach tours in the Isle of Man by Sheffield United Tours, Ltd., this year, following the success of the company's......
50% More London Bus Miles Lost
'THE amount of London bus mileage L which had to be cancelled during the three weeks before Christmas was 50 per cent, greater than in 1958, London Transport said on Tuesday. In......
R.h.a. To Issue Carnets
T HE Road Haulage Association are to issue T.I.R. carnets to hauliers under the Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods (The COM mercial Motor, December 4).......
B.r. Fail In Coal Haulage?
R OAD haulage is pressing for this work, and British Railways must get on their toes and prove that they can do the job," said Mr. Alwyn Machen, Yorkshire miners' president, in......
Afternoon Work For Milk Vehicle
PI A B-LICENCE milk-collection vehicle was idle in the afternoons and could he employed then on other work. This was stated before Mr. W. F. Quin, Scottish Licensing Authority,......