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Bristow Refused Rehicles On Renewal
Haulier Sentenced to Imprisonment for False Statement : Two Operators on Similar Charge I N a written decision hastily issued on Ch r istmas Eve, the Metropolitan Licensin g......
"deliberate Fraud" By Operator
pASSING sentence of three months' imprisonment on Thomas William Chatterway, Chesterfield Road, Eckingtori, Sheffield, Mr. R. Clewarth, Q.C., -Leeds stipendiary magistrate, said......
£100 Fines After False Claim
AFTER pleading guilty to charges of making false statements in connection - 1-1 with a B-licence application, wrongfully using an identity certificate and using an unlicensed......
Interior Lights In Cattle • Trucks Wanted
A N appeal to cattle hauliers to consider the need for artificial lighting in cattle trucks was made on Wednesday by Mr. T. Hall, chief secretary of the Royal Society for the......