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Excluded From Three-year Talks
nESPITE vigorous protests by A.A. I- , Motor Services, Ltd., the Scottish Traffic Commissioners last week approved . proposals agreed between the Western S.M.T. Co., Ltd., and......
Aylesbury Marathon Case Decided
TH E East Midland Traffic Corn missioners have now issued their written decision on applications by four coach operators for express services from Aylesbury, Bletchley, and......
Seddon Push Sales Up By Over 33%
S ALES in the first four months of the present financial year had increased by more than 33 per cent., Mr. R. H. Seddon, chairman of Seddon Diesel Vehicles, Ltd., told the......
Ghana Orders 150 Buses
A N order to the value of £900,000 for 150 Worldmaster buses and spares has been placed with Leyland Motors, Ltd., by the Ghana Government. The buses will have M.C.W. 46-seat......
Restrictions In Bradford?
R ESTRICTED loading and unloading IX times are proposed in a traffic plan approved by the Bradford Watch Committee. The restrictions will operate in streets where stationary......