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Flat-12 Oil Engine In New Swiss Range
XHIBITED at the Basle Fair, which closed recently, • was'a new ran g e of oil en g ines from 15-180 b.h.p. havin g from one to 12 cylinders arran g ed in line, in V or in......
Inter-availability Would React Unfavourably On The...
MORE ATTESTED HERDS S UPPORTING an application by a Rin g mer haulier for the extension of the radius of his B licence from 20 to 75 miles, ei g ht local farmers told the South......
Men In The News
MR. PHILIP HUTCHINGS has been appointed advertisin g mana g er of the Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd. He joined the company in 1933.. MR. R. SWAIN has been appointed secretary of......
Railways' "secondhand" Objections
I AST week, the Railway Executive 1-topposed -two. applications for B licences on the g round that traffic would be abstracted from A-licensees, who would then seek work which......
Ceylon Needs More Buses A N Increase Of 25 Per
cent. in Ceylon's bus fleet is considered necessary to meet demands. The Ceylon Commissioner of Motor Transport made this statement in his recent annual report. Passen g ers......
Scotland's Biggest Bus Depot Opened
THE bi gg est bus depot in Scotland. built for W. Alexander and Sons. Ltd., was opened at Gran g emouth last week. At the ceremony, a new luxury coach, which will be run on the......