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Egypt Reorganizes Bus Services
P LANS have been prepared for the reorganization of Egyptian country bus services. Lower Egypt has been divided into six zones and Upper Egypt into four. Each individual zone is......
WE regret to announce the deaths of YV MR. ERNEST BEV1N, SIR CHARLEs BRESSEY, C.B., C.B.E., D.Se.tEng.), DI.. Mn. E. H. W. COOKE, and Mn. W. M.' CAMPBELL. During his union days,......
T.g.w.1.1. Wage Proposals For Distributive Trades
F URTHER wage awards for certain classes of transport employee have been pressed for by the Transport and General Workers' Union. . Workers employed in the distribution of......
Armoured Van Required
A N armoured van is required by Banco de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay for the transport of money. Manufacturers' agents in Montevideo should submit tenders by May 7.......
Annis : Decision On April 26
A DECISION in the Annis case has now been made, but will not be generally known until April 26. Copies of the decision have been circulated to the legal representatives of Annis......
Nine-day Festival Tours
T HE Northern General Transport Co.. Ltd., has been granted permission by the Northern Licensing Authority to operate nine-day tours from May to September from various parts of......
Rises For R.h.e. Workers
A STANDARD 44-hour week for foremen has been decided upon by the Road Haulage Executive after negotiations with the Transport and General Workers' Union. Conditions of the......