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Transport Charges Rise: Mr. Aitskell Confounded
R.H.E. and Free Hauliers to Increase Rates: Higher Bus Fares Expected NAR. GA1TSKELL'S assurance, in his Budget speech, that the addition "I of 41-d. a gallon to the fuel tax......
Is Haulage Goodwill Rroperty ,, .
T w°points of law arose when Messrs. C. and G. Yeoman, Canterbury, applied to the Transport Arbitration Tribunal, this week, for confirmation of an agreement with the Road......
B.t.c. Officials Obdurate? D Epresentattves Of The Metro....
Area of the National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers recently reported that they were reluctant to attend meetings of the road-rail negotiating committee......
Handling Carbon Black Rarbon Black, An Exceptionally Fine...
is one of the dirtiest substances known. The British Standards Institution, London, S.W.1, has now published recommendations on its handling and loading in ships and hopes soon......