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Bill Not A Waste Of Time
" rIUR natural disappointment that %awe have not been able to. obtain a single consession from the Government on any of the clauses of the Transport (Amendment) Bill must not......
"include Transport In Plans"
I N London, 20 per cent, of workers take over an hour to travel to work and 50 per cent, between 30 minutes and 60 minutes. Lord Latham, chairman of the London Transport......
"traffic Will Never Return To Rail"
A STRONG protest against the decision to raise railway freight rates has been lodged with the Minister of Transport by the Federation of British Industries. "The mere passing on......
Sir Henry Piggott: An Appreciation
I N an appreciation of Sir Henry Piggott, Major E. H. B. Palmer writes: Although his health had been failing for sonic time, the passing of Sir Henry must come as a shock to......
Co-operative Insurance Insurance Premiums For Buses "have...
because of bandit activity. Operators have therefore considered starting a co-operative insurance fund. The Government has lifted the ban on direct imports of American vehicles......