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Logical Development " A Process Which Has Been Going On
in this country for more than a century is reaching its conclusion and consummation in this Bill. Transport has been moving steadily always to a monopoly solution, and the whole......
Municipal Bus Workers Ask For Shorter Hours
O N December 12, the National Joint Industrial Council for the Road Passenger Transport Industry resumed discus,sions on a claim by the T.G.W.U. and the National Union of......
The A.e.c. 9.6-litre - . Oil Engine A Brochure Dealing...
A.E.C. 9.6-litre direct-injection oil engine, has recently been published by the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd.,'' Southall, Middlesex. There are four types of this interesting......
In The Money
Anial, Ltd., made a net profit of £32,126 in the year ended July 31 last. After Paying a preference dividend and a dividend of 10 Per cent., with a bonus of 5 per cent.. on the......
Personal Pars
Mn. T. G. BRADLEY, M.I.A.E., has been appointed managing director of the Salisbury Transmission Co., Ltd. MR. A. PaakiNsoN has been appointed an executive director of Crompton......
Petitions Presented To Parliament
I N the House of Commons on Monday, Mr. Oliver Poole presented a petition on behalf of people in the West Midland traffic area against the nationalization of the road transport......
British Legion Arms
T HE British Legion is to enter 'the fight against nationalization on behalf of several thousand ex-Servicemen who will be affected, said Major H. E. Crawfurd, vice-president of......
Road Tax By Instalments We Are Info Rmed By United
VY Dominions Trust, Ltd., Regis House, King William Street, London, E.C.4, that the company will again operate its "road tax by instalments" service next year.......