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14,000 Vehicles Made In October
I N October of this year British manufacturers produced 14,202 commercial vehicles, against the 1938 computed monthly average of 9,000. Production in the first 10 months of the......
5,314 New Vehicles Exported In October 111 R1t.ain's...
5,314 new cornmercial vehicles in October brought in £2,081,248, whereas the monthly average in 1938 was 1,190 (£323,597). In the 10 months ended October 37,463 new commercial......
Mcnamara Mail Contracts To Be Cancelled ' I T Is
announced that after carrying the Royal Mail for an unbroken period of more than 100 years, the contracts of McNamara and Co., Ltd., will . not be renewed by the Post Office......
' Dunlop New Scottish Company
F ROM January 1 a separate company, Dunlop Rubber Co. (Scotland), Ltd., Will handle all Dunlop goods sold in Scotland,. except clothing and Semtex. Mr. G. E Beharrell will be......
Tax Concession To Prams
D EL1VERY vans of the pedestriancontrolled type of not more than 8 cwt. unladen and fitted with twin front or rear wheels have hitherto been taxed at £10 per annum as......
Renew Vehicle Licences Early
Q WNERS of motor vehicles are asked to renew their licences for the quarter or year as soon as possible. Only new cars will pay the duty on cylinder capacity instead of horse......
100,000 New Vehicles ,
B ELOW we publish the latest statistics of new vehicle registrations in the nine months ended September last:......
Stacking Trucks Wanted In Sydney
A CONCERN in New South Wales, Reo Motors Pty., Ltd., 147-149, William Street, Sydney, having seen references in "The Commercial Motor" to loading and stacking machines, states......
Councils Buying Fast
nRDERS from 14 different local ‘agovernment authorities for 40 vehicles have recently been received by Cox and Co. (Leeds), Lid.. The company is supplying 14 Karrier Bantam......
Municipal Purchases And Proposals Dartford Corporation Is...
'Morris 8 It v. vans. • Blackpool Transport Committee intends to buy 50 buses In 1948. Glasgow Education C0111211iIICO is to purchase six Mbion hut chassis. Glasgow Transpo:t......
Hauliers With Increased Fleets Object
TEN hauliers and the L.M.S. Railway Co. were objectors at Dundee, on December 12. when Mr. A. Robertson, Deputy Licensing Authority, heard an application for additional licences......
British Engineers Know. How
B RITISH engineers do not need to go abroad to learn how to build roads, said Mr. H. E. Aldington, M.Inst.C.E., Minst.T., chief engineer of the Ministry of transport, in......