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Eighteen Bodies Combine To Fight Nationalization
A N important development in the fight against nationalization is the formation of a liaison committee representing the following 18 organizetions:— A%ociatFon of British......
Hdijse To Be Gagged: Vote . Of Censure?
I N the House of Commons on December 12, Mr. Winston Churchill threatened to move a vote of censure against the Government, after the Christmas recess, if it persisted in......
Manchester Traders Orpose
• BILL ESOLUT1ONS expressing-deep con"X cern over the Transport Bill were discussed last week by directors of Man chester Chamber of Commerce. A special committee was appointed......
Nationalization Will Raise Cost Of Living Transport Costs...
cost of living would be raised, employment reduced and Britain's opportunities in the export markets adversely affected by the Transport Bill, said the Central Committee of......
Minister May " Use " B.t.c. The Railways Have Denounced The
Transport Bill as providing "no practical or constructive plans for the improvement and co-ordination of transport," and proposing "an unwieldy and bureaucratic control with no......
44 Per Cent. Cut In Income
RAILWRAILW AY stockholders, at a meeting AY London last Friday, unanimously passed a resolution demanding an inquiry before the Government nationalizes transport. • Sir Charles......
Traders Register Demand Ro December 12 The National...
the Traders' Road Transport Association unanimously resolved that a public judicial inquiry should be held into the need for nationalizing transport. A similar resolution was......
Caxton Hall Again
A NOTHER meeting of protest against 1 – "the nationalization of transport will be held at Caxton Hall, Westminster, &WI, on January 28. Mr. E. B. Howes. vice-president of the......
No Confidence
A VOTE of no confidence in the Government was passed unanimously at a meeting of Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire hauliers at Luton, last week. Those present undertook to useall......
"free" Fruit Transport?'
A DEMAND that C-licence holders arrying fruit and vegetables should be exempted from the restriction of 40 miles is being made by the•National Federation of Fruit and Potato......
Short-distance Hauliers Will Get Nothing •
TH E worst feature of the Transport Bill was the provision for compensation, said Mr. John M'Donald, of the Road Haulage Association, at a meeting in Dundee last week. Although......
"clean Fight," Says R.h.a. Leader " We Are Going To
fight this BM by VY all constitutional means in our power. This is a democracy. The Government has been elected by a majority and, therefore, we are going to use only......
S.m.m.t. Objects To 40-mile Limit
it fiANUFACTURERS of motor IV" vehicles and equipment are, according to Mr. R. Gresham Cooke, director of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, up in arms at the......