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This Anti-social 1.-egista Tion
L AST Monday at a Press Conference held by the Road Haulage Association, the chairman, Mr. H. T. Dutfield, reviewed the scope, provisions and intentions of the Transport Bill,......
Municipal Transport • Engineers' Annual Dinner T He...
and Mechanical Engineers held its annual dinner and entertainment at the Tudor Barn Cafe, Eltham, last Saturday, the chairman. Mr. J. W. E. Oakes, M.I.R.T.E., presiding. The......
Black Market In Transport Forecast
WHEN the Transport Bill is passed VI' and the distance ittnit imposed, a gigantic black market will grow up among hauliers seeking to eyade the law. This forecast was made last......
Exemptions From Purchase Tax
C ARAV ANS and metal polishers of cotton wool, wadding or cotton waste impregnated with a polishing agent are to be exempted from purchase tax. In the case of the former, the......
M.w.b. Standardizes Fleet
T HE Metropolitan Water Board is standardizing on certain types of vehicle. In the category of light vans and cars, classified as Group 1, Austin l0-cwt. vans and 10 h.p. cars......