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:heck Lights, Warns Police Hief
:JMMER TIME ends on Sunday and the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis reminds vers to check their lighting equipment in diness for the long, dark evenings which lie tad.......
In Brief
Leyland Exhibits in Mexico: Two Leyland diesel engines complete with gearboxes are being shown on a Leyland Motor Corporation stand at the British Industrial Exhibition in......
F He Expression, "nothing Can Surprise Me Now", Can Often Be
heard .om older supervisors in transport, tether operating or engineering. Yet hanges in design, power, speed and raking bring about new and odd situaons that have first of all......
A Surprise Risk
regular feature, drivers and shunters find their own means of shifting the heavy weights unaided, other than by a crowbar and a little know-how. The know-how part usually......