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Q Recently I Saw A Verney Coach In
Cherbourg operated by a company under the name of STN. This particular chassis had the engine in the normal position at the front alongside the driver. Is there any data or......
N Can You Confirm That The Maximum
gross weight stamped on the trailer would be, for example, 30 tons g.v.w. which would include the tractive unit weight, trailer weight and the weight of the load? This has been......
N What Is The Division Of Interest In The
Transport Holding Company as between road haulage, road passenger operation and other activities, particularly in view of developments which could arise in connection with the......
Q What Is The Journal Of Transport Economics And Policy?
This is a new transport journal to be published th ee times a year—in January. May and Septe ber—commencing in January 1967. It is intended to serve as a means of......
A Is It Necessary To Have The Name Address Of The
operator displayed commercial vehicle? There seem to be flicting views on this. A Using the term commercial vehicli its widest sense public service vehi are required to have the......