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Affluent Society," Mr. Berger Challenged, A You Find Men To
report daily at 7 a.m. who are prepared to work until 8 p.m. on Irday"? t was a "cheap jibe" to imply that mem; attending conferences had a jolly time profited little from the......
Collapsible Milk Tanks To Beat Freeze
Placed in a simple farm trailer, the collapsible milk container is held steady by ropes or netting which also eliminate surge. E IGHTY dairy farmers in Cumberland, Derbyshire......
Exeter Milk Producers Go Bulk
DEVON'S first bulk milk collection scheme starts in March next year when Hammett's Dairies, Exeter, will be supplied with 4,000 gal. of milk a day from about 40 bulk farm vats.......
Fast New Export Service To Europe
E VAN COOK LTD. has introduced a new rapid freight service to and from the Continent, putting any part of Europe within seven days' delivery time of London—coming in or going......
Rench Piggyback And Kangaroo Iet Together
was announced this week that the principal French road-rail freight systems are be merged into one new company with corned facilities on April 1 next year. The new scan will be......
Boden Open New Depot
A SERVICE depot has been opened by Boden Trailers Ltd. at 394 High Street, Smethwick. Birmingham 40. Depot hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. from Monday to Friday except for a 1 p.m.......