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Praise For Cumberland Hauliers
C UMBERLAND road hauliers were ‘4.-• commended last week for their initiative and competence by Mr. B. A. Johnson, administrative manager of Thames Board Mills Ltd., at Keswick.......
New Groupage Service
rAvE WOOD (TRANSPORT) LTD. is starting a road groupage service to and from Paris on October 31 with regular scheduled departures for small lots. TIR trailers will be loaded at......
More Co-operative Research On Lorry Design?
T HE Ministry of Technology is considering with the motor manufacturing industry ways in which further improvements in production methods and more co-operative research and......
Charges At Manchester Icd
A S revealed in COMMERCIAL MOTOR recently, the Manchester Ship Canal Co. is now providing full facilities for TIR vehicles and containers at its inland clearance depot in Water......
Foiling The Thieves
THE need for legislation making thief-pr locks compulsory on all vehicles is be considered in consultation with the Hc Secretary, said Mr. Stephen Swingler, Par mentary......
Clutch Control?
F was announced in the Commons by Douglas Jay, President of the Board Trade, that he proposes to ask the Monopo: Commission to investigate the supply of clu mechanisms for motor......
Fleet Numbers Will Suffice On Food Vehicles
AMENDED food hygiene regulations now be laid before Parliament will mean less cc plicated marking of food vehicles, follow representations to the Ministry of Health by TRTA. The......