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Night Mails To Ireland By Air?
THE report made by the G.P.O. 1 committee into the possible use of for carrying mails .between places in Great Britain and Northern Ireland is understood to be in......
Electioneering By Air: Important Charters.
A IR-CHARTER Companies had much work to do in the General Election, for the candidates and for the Press and cinemas. Air Commerce, Ltd., Heston, flew Mr. Malcolm MacDonald to......
• Routine Drill In Air Ambulance Work. D Uring The Past
few nionths, Air Dispatch, Ltd., and its associated company, Commercial Aix Hire,Ltd., Croydon, have specialized in airambulance work, and have made special arrangements for the......
Irish Negotiations With British Company?
WM have explained in this paper, VY from time to time, how the Irish Free State Government, having been approached by various groups of financial and air-transport interests......
Doubts In Guernsey..
D EGARDING our recent report that 1‘. Guernsey States (the local Parliament) had decided to buy and develop an airport site at La Villiaze, and not to accept any of the offers......
Trans-atlantic Preparations.
D URING November, Capt. Ivor . McClure, operational adviser to the Director General of Civil Aviation, and Mr. Banks, also of the. Air Ministry, have been in Northern Ireland......
Air Ministry Controls Heston Traffic.
T HE Air Ministry has now assumed the control of air traffic from Heston Airport. The area for which the Heston control is responsible abuts on to the London-Continent airway......
New Spartan Air-rail Concessions.
A N attractive concession to the ordinary inter-availability of air and rail tickets, which has been in operation, for some time, on certain air lines, has been added by Spartan......