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Bus Driver Wins Sessions Appeal
A SUCCESSFUL appeal against conviction was made to the Glamorgan Quarter Sessions at Cardiff, by Mr. Edward T. Rees, who was convicted by the Aberdare Stipendiary and the......
Lorry Used As Contract Carriage
A T Hamilton Sheriff Court, two charges of driving and using a lorry as a contract carriage, without a public service vehicle licence, were brought against Mr. John Nimmo, 331,......
A Concern That Supports 'home Industry"
LIA.ULIERS will have little to fear in I I the way of competition from ancillary users, so long as a substantial number. of manufacturers adopts the transport policy pursued by......
A New Sliding Door With Practical Features
O N a recent . visit to Dodge Brothers (Britain), Ltd., Kew, we noted a striking 20-seater coach of semi-streamlined design. Having as its basis the Dodge P.L.B. passenger......