Page 26

Minister To Look Again At Ptes" Powers
• Mrs. Castle is to make a careful study of the Transport Bill to see whether—as the Tories claim—it will allow Passenger Transport Executives to run bus services to any spot in......
All-night Sittings On Bill
• The Transport Bill Committee, which meets one more day a week than is usual, now looks like starting on a series of marathon sessions. The Tuesday and Thursday morning......
Onlyc33m Says Mrs C
• The road haulage and abnormal loads charges will add about £33m to transport costs, forecast Mrs. Castle. These were the only additions to transport costs that would result......
Road Track Costs Attacked
• It was clearer than ever, after reading the road track costs report that the wear and tear tax was an arbitrary Government decision taken to help the railways said Tory......
• There were surprised cries in the Commons when Mr. John Morris denied that the NFC would be able to stop quantity licences in areas where there were no railways, by putting......
Trta Reaction
• A mixed reaction came from the TRTA this week after the MoT's testing and plating fee announcement (see page 18). While the test fee was higher than the TRTA anticipated—it......
Dangerous Loads Regs On The Way
• Regulations dealing with the conveyance by road of over 200 inflammable liquids will be made within a few weeks. Announcing this in the Commons, Mr. David Ennals, Under......