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Traffic engineers are, it seems, as incomprehensible as politicians at times. One morning last week a bollard at one point on my daily journey was lying in the road for the......
*immigrant Motive
They tell me that one of the reasons why a lot of Asian folk are coming to Britain from Kenya is that there are growing discriminations against them there. None of my business......
*road To Success
For the second time in four years, I see, an apprentice from W. Alexander and Co. (Coachbuilders) Ltd., Falkirk, has won the City , Livery Companies and Institute first prize......
*shipshape To Frisco
Another old bus is off for an interesting second life. It is a 14-year-old Bristol doubledecker which has been sold to a wealthy American businessman to transport customers......
*no View Left
Trade gossip tells me that something new in safety belts for van drivers is in the development stage: a design that does away with the manual on-and-off stuff. We shall see.......
Was it the sheer pulling power of CM; or a sudden glut of service engineers; or that engineering staffs are grossly underpaid and always looking for greener pastures? I can't......
* Automatic Facts
For those among you who like to be encyclopaedic, I draw the following from my bncket of useless but interesting facts for enthusiasts. The first semi-automatic-gearbox Leyland......