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Pierced-frame Lightweights From Highway
New super-lightweight semi-trailers have been added to the range offered by Highway Trailers (Great Britain) Ltd., Southampton. A prototype is already in service with G. L.......
Bigger Musketeer
• A higher-capacity Karrier Masketeer refuse collector is now available. Developed in conjunction with Glover, Webb & Liversidge of London, the new vehicle is known as the Mark......
Guarantee Impossible
• The Traders Road Transport Association has asked the MoT to revise the "correct inflation provisions" in the tyre maintenance regulations due to come into operation on April......
A Snorkel At Home
• An £18,000 Simon Snorkel firefighting and rescue unit with a maximum elevation of 65f1 was handed over to the Dudley Fire and Ambulance Service this week. Mounted on a......
Free Maintenance Records
• A service check list, driver's report sheet and maintenance/repair record sheet for each vehicle which an operator runs are offered in a new fleet maintenance record system......
Transport Training Conference.
• At a conference in Dunmurry, Belfast, on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, hauliers and managers were invited to put their views on the needs and means for improving the......