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Q What Is The Current Basic Rate Of Pay For The Driver Of...
A The varying categories of drivers' wages are at present determined by the carrying capacity of the vehicle and not by the gross weight. Assuming the 32-ton-gross vehicle to......
Q What Records Should Be Kept By Employers In Support Of...
A Three types of records should be kept and be available for inspection by the Board's staff on request: training records, written training programmes and certificates of......
Ci Is There Available A Guide To The Uk Education System...
A The British Association for Commercial and Industrial Education, 16. Park Crescent, Regent's' Park, London, W1 , published a training manual entitled A Training Officer's......
Q What Is A "check-off Agreement?
A - Check-off" is an arrangement by which employers deduct trade union dues from the wages of members in their employment and pay them over to the union or unions concerned. The......
0 . Can You Provide Information As To
when new legislation by the Ministry of Transport comes into effect, covering the emission of smoke from diesel-engined vehicles? A The Road Safety Act 1967 will enable new......
Q What Is The Joint Transport Research Committee?
A The Minister of Transport and Minister of Technology have jointly set up this committee consisting of experienced government officials (scientists, administrators and......
Q In Cm April 12 On Page 26 We Noticed
a reference to a new company entitled Quay Handling Ltd. What is their address? A The address is Quay Group of Companies, Enefco House, The Quay, Poole. Dorset.......