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Immingham Roll-on Terminal Opened
B RIT A IN 'S latest roll-on/roll-off termina!, the third of nine planned by British Transport Docks Board, came into operation at Immingham last weekend with the first sailing......
Peace At Hull Docks?
AN end to the series of one-day-a-week unofficial strikes that have brought work to a standstill at Hull Docks reguarly this year was imminent, Mr. 3. A. Lacey, BTDB chief docks......
North Sea Nightly
THE Hull/Rotterdam service operated by • 1North Sea Ferries is now nightly in each direction except Sundays.......
Rha Appointments
THE milk carriers' group of the RHA has re-appointed Mr. R. P. Miers (Miers Transport Ltd.) as chairman, with Mr. C. W. E. Windsor-Richards (Farnham, Surrey) as vicechairman.......
Tmc Presentation
T HE national secretary of the Transport Managers' Club, Mr. W. J. Irons, was on Friday presented with a silver tankard and cheque. They were given to him to commemorate his 21......
New Ita Diyision
A SOUTH Wales division of the Industrial Transport Association has been formed. At the first a.g.m. of the division, held earlier this month, Mr. J. R. Elliott was elected......