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Rack System For Carrying Windows
A NEW type of body with special racking for holding windows rigid has been designed by Furrows Ltd., of Coton Hill, Shrewbury, in co-operation with Aygee (Metal Windows) Ltd.......
Twin-oscillating Multiwheeler
AirULTIWHEELERS (COMMERCIAL AVL VEHICLES) LTD., of Southampton Airport, have introduced a 4.24, a 14/15-toncapacity semi-trailer (below) into their standard range. The......
Garage-equipment Leasing
TN view of recent Government changes in initial and investment allowances for income tax purposes, Brown Brothers, the motor trade factors, have announced the following......
Report On The Way
A REPORT is expected in the autumn from the group, headed by Lord Kings Norton, which is looking into future trends in the design of power-driven road vehicles, with particular......