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S O Far We Have Dealt With Two Items At Opposite
ends of the air-brake system —the slack adjuster and the foot operating valve—and now it may be more sensible If we follow the pattern of the system item by item, from air input......
Know Your Air Brakes
Part 3—Single-cylinder Compressors lb. p.s.i. At this point the spring returns the valve disc to its closed position and as the piston starts to rise, the air in the cylinder is......
Winning Idea On Dropside Bolts
T HIS week's prizewinner is Mr. F. Newton, of Burgess Hill, Sussex. He says that on heavy lorries fitted with drop sides, the hinges of the sides are bolted to a side runner.......
Motor Licence Application Forms
APPLICATION forms for motor vehicle licences are being revised and their layout changed to make them more easily understood. This will be done under the Road Vehicles (Excise)......