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Mid-southern Tipping Group—mass Appeals Jr Is Understood...
who sought modifications of the 13 licences to permit them to work at the direction of the MidSouthern Tipping Group Ltd. have been lodged with the Transport Tribunal. The......
Reduced Bid Granted
EIOLLOWING an amendment to the original application after agreement with the objectors, Bishop's Wharf and Isherwood (Liverpool) Ltd. and Bishop's Wharf and Isherwood......
Appellants Admit Illegal Operations
A FULL confession of illegality was made raat the public inquiry, said Mr. R. Yorke, before the Transport Tribunal on Wednesday. He represented Factory Clearance Contractors......
Through-services Grant In N. West
ALL twelve objections were withdrawn and rt. seven applications to operate weekend, holiday-season through-services from the North-West to Ramsgate were granted, when a......
Transport Agreement With Germany
A BILATERAL agreement covering quotas for goods transport by road between this country and the Federal Republic of Germany is to be negotiated on the 9th/lOth June in London.......
New Hartlepools Service —united Objects
A kI appeal against a grant to Hartlepool and West Hartlepool Corporations to extend one of the main bus services in the Hartlepools into a new housing estate will be heard by a......