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Fire Extinguisher For Commercials
A FIRE extinguisher designed for use on public service and commercial vehicles is available from The Pyrene' Co. Ltd., Great West Road, Brentford, Middx. It is a......
Diesel Combustion System
P ATENT No. 903,361 refers to engines employing pre-combustion chambers havin g a heat-insulating lining. In such engines, the heating of the charge should commence as soon as......
Remote Gearbox Layout From Vauxhall
D RIVING arrangements for connecting the clutch to a remote g earbox form the subject of patent No. 912,627. (Vauxhall Motors Ltd., Luton, Beds.) Referring to the drawing, it......
Rubber-bushed Universal
A A UNIVERSAL joint bushed throughout with rubber is shown in patent No. 904,170. (Metalastik Ltd., Evington Valley Road, Leicester.) Conical-ended pivots are received in......