6th March 1959, Page 43
6th March 1959
Page 43

Page 43, 6th March 1959
A-licence Lorry Was Kept " On Tap"
T HE voluntary restriction of an oldestablished A-licence vehicle to one customer led to the refusal of a take-over application, except 'under B licence, at Ntinchester on......
Booked Loads Scheme To Iw Extended
D URING January and February over 75 per cent. of collections from Manchester docks were arranged in advance through the docks delivery office, which commenced operations at the......
"light Motorways" Call
M OTORWAYS could pay if they were used round the clock, and to light them at night would cost £4,000 a mile, or 1-2 per cent. of the outlay on the road itself, Mr. G. Bony,......