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Exchequer Finances Rail Rate-cutting
R AILWAY rate-cutting, made possible by grants from the Exchequer to write off annual losses, was attacked on Wednesday by Mr. R. B. Brittain, Eastern Area chairman of the Road......
Unlicensed Vehicle Used: £30 Fines
A HAULIER who used his lorry after its licence had expired was fined a total of £30 at West Bromwich fast week. He was George William Baker, King Street, Bradley, who admitted......
Death Of Mr. F. Rowarth Xyie Regret To Announce The
death of rv Mn. FRED RAMARTH, an executive director and general sales manager of the Automotive Products Co., Ltd., Borg and Beck Co., Ltd., Lockheed Hydraulic Brake Co., Ltd.,......
Decision Next Week In Fuel Duty Case
t - t A DECISION will be given at Allele. next Wednesday, in the case of George Gray, Clackmannan, a bus operator who is accused of failing to pay £1,482 10s. duty on 10,700......
Motorways Favour Indivisible Loads
C ARRIACiE of indivisible loads on motorways would cause less inconvenience to other commercial-vehicle operators and motorists than transport over congested and winding routes,......
Customs Alter Mobile Shop Terms
T HE Customs and Excise on Tuesday set out an amended description of a mobile shop which such a vehicle must meet to escape purchase tax. Stating that a mobile shop should be......
" T.r.t.a. Campaign Is Your Last Chance"
IF the "Kerb Space is Precious" cam paign is a failure, more parking restrictions are inevitable at Birmingham. This warning was given on Monday be the city's Chief Constable.......
Tunnel Tolls Fixed P Roposed Tolls For Vehicles Using The...
Tunnel have now been published by the Tyne Tunnel Joint Committee. The charge for light goods vehicles will be 2s. 6d., for medium goods vehicles 4s., and for heavy lorries 55.......