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Belfast Bus Crews On Strike Again
N O corporation buses were running in Belfast on Saturday—the second successive Saturday that crews had staged an unofficial strike. Their action followed complaints about the......
Two Saturday Strikes Cost Leicester 17,000
THE two Saturday bus strikes which recently occurred at Leicester cost the transport department about 0,000 in lost :revenue. There has since been a " fairly alarming" fall-off......
Against Public Interest To Sell Ipswich System
rt A SPECIAL committee which was set up to investigate the working of Ipswich Transport Department told the Town Council on Wednesday that at present no proposals could be put......
"transport Needs More Men With Ideas"
T RANSPORT today requires qualified 1 men with ideas more than ever before, thinks Maj.-Gen. G. N. Russell, president of the Institute of Transport and chairman Of British Road......
" R.h.a. Fighting For Every Industry
T HElight the Road Haulage Association have undertaken is not only against the renationalization of independent hauliers. It is also for the right of industry to transport its......
M.p.t.a. Conference Plans
A RRANGEMENTS for the Municipal Passenger Transport Association's annual Conference at Edinburgh from Moalay, September 21, to Friday, September 25, were announced on Tuesday.......
Tigers Across London
S IX grown tigers and four cubs were carried across London on Tuesday by Cattermoles (Transport), Ltd.. 79 Pentonville Road, London, N.1. The animals arrived in a 20-ft.-long......